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What’s Your Story?

People love a good story. There’s a multi-billion dollar television and movie industry that will attest to that. People love getting immersed in stories. It makes them relate to the characters, the situations and the outcome. They love to see themselves in the story or compare how they would behave if the same situation were presented to them.

So what’s the story you are telling your customers? Are you making them involved? Are you connecting your product to their lives? Is your story getting them emotional? Is your story compelling them to buy?

You need to build a story around your product and how it affects your customer. How will the product or service you offer help them in their daily lives?

Don’t believe it’s just housewives who like to be immersed in stories. The CEO at the helm of a major corporation also likes the stories you tell. Only the stories you tell them are tailored to invoke them to buy in a different manner. You tell your story of efficiency, of cost effectiveness, savings and profits. Tell them how much money your product saved when used by another company. Explain how using your product increased another company’s market share.

Everyone loves a story, you just need to know which story to tell. Know your audience. Know your product. Connecting your product your product to your customer requires you to craft a story that closes the sale.

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