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Corporate Intelligence
I recently came across an article which highlighted the different types of intelligence quotients. Previously people were only judged...

Happiness is a Choice!
I was driving today and came across this balloon stuck in some wires. It got me thinking. Doesn't matter whether you are stuck in a...

Creativity Unleashed
Creativity takes time. Requires inspiration. And some toil. Some tweaks! And Voila!

Starting with the Resolutions
One of the resolutions this year. Follow my passion for drawing. Making this was fun. Hope to fill this year with more creations.

It’s the first day of 2019. Time to reflect. How was 2018? For some it would have been good, for some it would have been just ok, and...

International Coffee Day, 2018
By Faisal Ghani Qureshi image by Faisal Ghani Qureshi While commuting to work today the RJ on the radio announced that today was...

The F-Word
By Faisal Ghani Qureshi Business today is driven by the F-word. Not a day goes by without it. People wake up and they are faced by it as...

The "N" Word
There are few words that receive such scorn. It’s a word that people avoid like the plague. It’s bad to think about it. Worse when...

Buzzword/Buzzkill: Strategy (Video)
#buzz #buzwword #sales #selling #thesalesprocess #thesellingprocess #sellingvalue #value #strategy #strategic

Buzzword/Buzzkill: Strategy
There are a lot of buzzwords floating around these days. People feel that repeating these words over and over again will somehow make...
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