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Physics of Marketing: Lesson 4

The second law of thermodynamics states that energy and heat dissipate over time.

Applied to Marketing, you will see that whatever marketing effort is applied, advertisements, promotions etc, the effect of your marketing efforts dissipates over time.

You need to come up with new ideas, new promotions, new ads, use different media to attract and retain customers. 

Customers lose interest in old ads and promotions as their needs, lifestyles, income, family structure and many other factors change. The things that appealed to them before will not appeal to them today or tomorrow. 

Hence the Marketer is always on the lookout for new avenues to market their product. The old has lost its appeal and customers are asking for something new.

To do that Marketing needs to keep tabs on their customer to see what appeals to them and then design their marketing campaign to align with their needs.

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