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Write it Down!

With different things demanding your attention every single minute of every single day, it is easy to lose track of what needs to be done.

While you may be carrying a list of things to do in your head, chances are you will not get many of them accomplished at the end of the day as other things seemed to take priority.

It is therefore important for you to write things down. Putting tasks and assignments in black and white makes sure that you are committed to them. Seeing them on a list urges you to do them and cross them off.

Without a list, they can easily be forgotten, ignored or re-prioritized.

Writing down your to do list can give not only help you visualize what needs to be done, it also gives you a chance to set priority on important tasks.

This way you are always evaluating your progress and ensuring that you are on track towards achievement of your goals.

You can increase your productivity and efficiency by writing out your to do list.

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