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How May I help You?

One of the simplest and yet most effective questions a sales person can ask.

The question asks the customer to open up about why they came in? What were they looking for? Is there something specific they need? Do they know what they want but not sure what product may fulfill their requirement? Are they confused about the product or features? Do they require a demo?

There are many things that the customer may need your help with. You know your product offers, your product features, your prices and your policies better than the customer. They come into your store, they call you up, or contact you on your webchat, you should be able to use your expertise to help the customers.

The question also lets the customer know that you are available for helping them. You are keen to understand and solve their requirements. You are dedicated to serve them. You are available when they need you.

Showing your readiness to help gives customers the confidence to open up to you. They will ask questions which you can respond to and guide them to better products suited for their needs.

A simple question can lead to better connection with the customers and eventually to better sales.

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