Yes, it is the approach of the weekend. It already feels relaxing. You get to rest, to recharge your batteries. You’ll probably watch a movie, read a book, reconnect with friends and family. A lot to look forward to, I agree.
However, no one likes to think of the next working week on the weekend. Monday will arrive soon enough, but for now you want to put all of that on the back burner and just start enjoying the weekend.
The efficient and effective sales person will however use the remaining hours of the current week to prepare for the next week. Here are a few tips which will help you not only make the most out of your weekend, it will also help you achieve a better workweek ahead:
Write those reports. A lot of things may have piled up on your desk and you need to write and file your reports. List them out and get them done. You don’t want them ruining your thoughts over the weekend.
Recheck your appointments for next week. If necessary, call and confirm the appointments for next week to make sure there are no changes.
Recheck any pending orders so you are up to date on the position of your customer’s orders and update them on the progress. They will love that you are making the effort to inform them.
Coordinate with your supply chain department to make sure that orders that are scheduled to go out over the weekend are on schedule. If they are not you have the chance to inform the customer now rather than have them call you in the middle of the weekend.
Have your prospecting actions ready for next week so you can start on Monday without delay. Catching people early will enable you to make the most of the week. You may even get an appointment within the week if you’re lucky. (Calls in the middle of the week are easy to push back on the next week, so it is always a good idea to start early.)
Catch up on company memos, meet with your colleagues and exchange information. You need to be as aware of things going on within your company as you are aware of things going on at your customer.
And most important of all, have a great weekend.