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It’s the first day of 2019. Time to reflect. How was 2018? For some it would have been good, for some it would have been just ok, and then there would be some for whom it could have been better.

Whether the previous year was good or bad, there now remain two choices. Either you can keep thinking about the past; how great it was or could have been. Or you can choose to plan ahead. How can 2019 be better? What can you do to improve? What can you do to change?

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And the truth is that the power to change the future lies with you. Yes, there are external influences. The market could slow down or pick up. The policies of governments, financial institutions and private enterprises could change. Simple things like weather could change the consumption patterns of your consumers.

Yet, it is your actions that will define the outcome. You need to think, to plan and to act to overcome the obstacles that come in your path. There will be things that you can control and then there will be things that are out of your control. It will not be easy. Improving seldom is.

You will need to change if you need to improve. Learn new things. Forget old things. Adopt and adapt. Do something every day that gets you closer to where you want to be. You will get there eventually.

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When you do, you will be stronger and wiser than you were when you started. You will be better. It was a struggle, but it will pay off.

So don’t dwell on the past. Plan for the future. Aim to make 2019 better than 2018. And remember to have fun doing it.

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