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Mid Year Review

So half the year has gone by. How is everything going?

Time to reflect and take stock. What did you set out to achieve? What were the objectives for the year? How far have you come? How far do you have to go?

Depending on the level of achievement, how do you have to pace yourself? Can you ease off the gas? Or is it time to out the pedal to the metal?

While doing a self review also review how your team is doing. Are there people who are lagging behind? What support do they require to catchup? Can you assign people who are ahead to share the workload so the other team member's tasks are also up to speed?

It should also be a time to celebrate. Celebrate the small successes you had over the course of six months. Doing so will revive and rejuvenate you and your team. It will give them energy to focus on the upcoming tasks.

And remember, while it is Ok to relax if you're ahead, it may also be an opportunity to explore opportunities which you may not have had time for. When you were budgeting your time at the beginning of the year, you may have felt that you did not have time for certain tasks. Now that you are ahead, see if you can squeeze those in. Giving a little extra will always boost your business. 

Best of luck for a prosperous year ahead. Stay healthy, stay happy and happy hunting!

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