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Physics of Marketing: Lesson 1

A product which is at rest will tend to remain at rest unless there is a force applied to move it.

A product could be the best of its class. The features could be unrivaled, the need dire, the price unbeatable. However, unless you promote the product in the market, create awareness about the product, create a link in the mind of the customer between their need and how your product satisfies that need, the product will not sell.

Without a concerted marketing effort, your product will remain packed in boxes, sitting in a warehouse, waiting for the time till it becomes obsolete or in the case of perishables, expires.

Moving your product in the market requires an effort, a force which will help it gain momentum and sell.

Similarly, a product that is in motion will tend to remain in motion until a force is applied to it to arrest its motion.

Once your product has started selling, customers have identified it as their product of choice, you are guaranteed repeat sales. Unless something happens, some force comes into effect that will arrest the motion, i.e., the sales of your product.

The force could be the marketing efforts of competing brands, the novelty of your brand wearing off, improved products coming into the market, pricing increases, supply chain issues, product availability (or lack thereof). All of these would be forces that would contribute to the loss of sales.

Given enough time and effort, the sales of your product could cease altogether.

Marketing your product is therefore vital for moving your product out of your warehouse and off the retail shelf, as well as keeping the sales momentum going. Opposing forces are always acting to arrest the movement of your sales, therefore, it is vital to keep up your marketing efforts and keep the product selling.

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