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Find Your Efficiency Cycle!

There are times when you feel energetic. You could accomplish any task or do anything you want to.

Then there are times when your heart just isn’t in it. Even the smallest tasks seem to be a burden.

Everyone has ups and downs in their energy level throughout the day. Your moods depend on how your biological clock is wired.

You need to identify your own cycle to find out when you are most productive. Schedule your work so the bulk of it falls within the zones when you are more productive.

When you try to work during your natural down cycle, your heart and mind are not focused and the quality of your work deteriorates.

Some people work best in the early hours of the morning as they feel fresh and they cherish the serenity when the rest of the world is still waking up.

Others gain energy from the hustle and bustle of the afternoon.

Still others work best during the late hours of the night, finding their creative spirit works best when the rest of the world has gone to bed.

Whatever your efficiency cycle, it is important for you to learn to recognize it and accept it. And then work during that cycle rather than force yourself to work when you are not at your most efficient.

You will not only feel more engaged, you will be able to achieve better results in your work.

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