Yes, you’ve been told you are no longer required to perform whatever job it was you were doing at the company. Yes, it has come as a shock. Yes, you are frustrated and even angry.
Don’t let your anger overcome you and dictate your actions. Don’t give in to the reaction of lashing out. Don’t throw a tantrum. Don’t throw insults around. Don’t do anything that damages property (or even persons).
The damage you may cause when you’re angry is not to your company or your seniors but to yourself. When you’re leaving the company leave with the same dignity that you served in the company. While first impressions may be considered as the last impressions, the lasting impressions are when you leave the company. People will remember the last actions you did and they may remember you by those. Let them be good memories.
It is also important that you keep good relationships with your superiors and your peers as you will need their help for references when applying for future jobs. Destroying those relationships will not help you in gaining future employment. In the first instance you will be reluctant to give out a name of someone whom you’ve just had a fight with during your exit. Secondly, if you do give out the name, consider the impression on our future employer if the supervisor gives a bad review.
Therefore, never burn your bridges with the company you have left. Even if it is a short time spent there, let their memories of your service and your time spent there be a pleasant one.
Focus on the good times you spent at the company. The friendships formed, the times spent laboring over assignments, the good times and the tough times. Those memories will stay with you forever. Some friendships you have formed will also remain forever. Cherish those memories and those friendships.
Consider the time spent in the company one of the many stops on your path to glory and move on. Your future awaits you.