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Focus on your Strengths

You can easily descend into a spiral of hopelessness after the loss of your job. You keep on playing the scenarios in your head and analyze what you could have done differently. With the luxury of hindsight, you will find yourself thinking there were times when you should have left the job yourself. You will blame yourself for hanging on too long and allowing the company to let you go.

It is of vital importance that you should let these feelings go. There is no need to dwell on the past. It may have been a part of your routine, but now you have the opportunity to build a new one.

At this point you will also have trouble making up your mind on what to do. Do you start a new job, work on your own business? You decision depends on your own analysis of your abilities and what can you do better.

Think of this as an opportunity to reinvent yourself. An opportunity for spring cleaning. Get rid of the things that were holding you back. Embrace those things that can take you forward. Focus on your strengths. What can you do? What makes you unique? What do you have to offer to the world?

Look into building on your strengths. See if you need to enhance your skills. What can you do to refine your abilities? Act to be better than what you were yesterday.

By focusing your energy on what can be rather than what was you will be taking the steps towards a better future.

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