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Acknowledge Customer Complaints

The first step to resolving a problem is to recognize that the problem exists. It is tempting to ignore the angry customer and hope the problem will go away. In reality what will go away is the customer and their business as well as any business they manage to drive away by giving poor reviews and bad word of mouth.

When confronted with angry customers make sure you acknowledge them. The customer is angry for a reason. There is some expectation by the customer that has not been met. This difference between expectation and reality has caused a rise of emotions which are being projected at you.

You can use that anger towards your advantage. By speaking out, the customer has provided you an opportunity to improve. The angry customer is useful to you as they provide you an insight into issues with your process or your product that need to be improved. Working on improving the processes and products will not only help you alleviate that individual customer’s problems but may also help you gain more customers.

Acknowledging customer complaints means that not only do you need to tell the customer that their complaint has been received, but you need to develop a system where the complaint is logged and flagged for action.

Knowing the issues the customer faces is vital for you to improve your business so you should not let the opportunity to talk to customers pass by.

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