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Sales Person’s Activities: Health Check

Sales people need a lot of energy to undertake their daily activities. It is therefore imperative for them to take care of their health.

Taking care of your health is not just going to the doctor when you feel sick, but it is a lifestyle. You need to take car of your health everyday to make sure you are able to do what you want. Staying healthy will give you the energy you need to complete your daily activities.

The first and foremost thing is to get a good night’s sleep. Rest is important as it gives you the energy to wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead. Establishing a good sleep cycle is important and it is also important for you to stick to it. Haphazard cycles will interfere with your body’s internal clock and leave you feeling tired all the time.

It is also important for you to eat right. Have three squares a day and eat balanced meals so you can get all the energy you need. Exercise portion control so you do not end up eating excessively. Snack on fruits and nuts rather than junk food.

Coffee and tea can be tasty pick me ups, however an exercise in moderation is required here as well. Other than the harmful effects of too much caffeine, tea and coffee are diuretics and therefore over consumption may lead to dehydration. Keep hydrated by drinking water. The temptation may be to reach for a soft drink, however these too should be the occasional treat.

Make time for exercise, whether it is a 10 minute walk on your lunch break or even something as simple as taking the stairs. Sitting on your chair all day is also not healthy and you should take a break every now and then to move around and stretch your legs. Having healthy muscles and joints will help you fight fatigue.

Technology is there to help you be more efficient, however, for most people technology is the source for a lot of stress. Remember that you control the technology and not the other way around. Learn to use the features of your phone and e-mail to make life easier for you. Use CRM software to ease your life. And while it is tempting to pick up the phone when it is ringing, do not do so when you are driving. You can call back when it is safe to do so. While driving, pay attention to the task at hand.

Plan your days to reduce stress. Synchronize your office and phone calendars to ensure you are on track for your assignments. Set up reminders so you can track your progress and pace yourself rather than worry about missed appointments or double booking.

A few simple tips can make life easier and healthier and give you the energy to handle whatever happens throughout the day.

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