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Strive for Excellence!

If you want to be a good employee, strive for excellence.

There will be masses of workers who will be doing just enough to get by. The aim of most people is to do the minimum amount of work which is just enough to ensure that they can keep their job.

However, in sales that means that you are living a mundane existence. You will just be making enough sales to get by, but you will not be working with a growth mindset and therefore you will not be earning the extra rewards that come with going the extra mile.

Good employees and especially good sales people are motivated by a desire to achieve. This can only be done if the sales people are motivated to achieve excellence. The desire is to do better than they did before, and their main competition is with themselves.

In striving for excellence good sales people are always trying to bring efficiency into their systems. They think about how they can approach more customers, shorten the sales cycle, up-sell their products, improve their collection cycle and contribute to the growth of the company.

In doing so they are able to close more sales, earn more revenue and gain more profits. They are also able to make and exceed their sales quotas and earn the incentives which are elusive for others.

Those that strive for excellence are the ones that can make a difference for the company and for themselves.

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