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Set Yourself a Challenge

When business is slow it is the time to get your creative juices flowing.

Sometimes it takes difficult circumstances for you to meet a target. Ever notice, when the deadline for a project is looming you seem to get more done. What happens is that when time becomes limited, consciously and subconsciously, you tend to prioritize tasks into those that are vital and those that can be set aside for another day. This automatically gets you organized to perform the activities efficiently and get the project done.

Therefore, setting yourself a challenge will help you to narrow your choices and think on what is important for the task you want to achieve. Ask yourself what you need to complete a project in 10 days. Then give yourself 5 days to complete the project. You will then prioritize your tasks to meet the deadline accordingly. Even if you miss the 5-day deadline, you will have accomplished a lot more than what you would have done if you had allotted the complete 10 days. It is better to miss the shorter deadline you set for yourself than missing the actual deadline for the project.

Since you’re doing this when business is slow, you are at less risk of overlooking other tasks that are vital for the business. When doing this you will always choose projects that are of vital importance to your business and not the less important tasks.

Doing this will ensure that you get more done and completing these projects will not only help you achieve targets, it will help in boosting morale for yourself and your team on being able to complete tasks with fewer resources.

So go ahead, pick a project and set yourself a challenge.

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